Make It Safe


MakeItSafe is an informative and educational website focusing on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). It was conceived with the intention of becoming a pivotal resource for information, prevention, and understanding of these often underestimated and overlooked issues.

Its primary objective is to engage the attention of young individuals aged between 14 and 25 years, although its communication is not limited exclusively to them. On MakeItSafe, individuals can access information about sexually transmitted infections and diseases, learn to question and recognize their most common and distinctive symptoms, and seek assistance without age or gender barriers.

The scientific information within the web app is supervised by the ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità), encompassing the entire project in its philosophy and approach methodology. MakeItSafe has been honored with the ANGI 2022 Award for Science and Health in the fifth edition of the "Oscar dell'Innovazione" organized by the National Association of Young Innovators. This initiative was established to acknowledge outstanding projects in the realms of business and startups.